Week 4: Choosing the right books

This week we are talking with 6th grader, Lilly! In the video, we will discuss choosing 3 books that you can bounce back and forth from - a reading rotation :) The three categories we recommend for this are:

  1. Easy - a book that never feels like a struggle, the vocabulary & storyline are both easy for you to follow.

  2. Hard - this book should be challenging to read, maybe its from school. And it may not be not the most interesting to you.

  3. Love - this book makes your heart happy! You can’t wait to jump back into the characters lives again and see what happens next. Lilly suggests this book be one you can related to, and connect to your own life.

We also discuss each of our differing opinions on graphic novels ;) Let’s just say I consider them the snickers bars of the reading world - but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good to read them! They just should fit into the ‘easy’ OR ‘love” category in your rotation and not in both!

Variety is the spice of life, and the more you practice reading different types of stories, genres, writing styles etc. the easier reading will become!

As always, if you need book suggestions, hop on over to our FB group and ask!


Week 5: What is your reading story?


Week 3: Who is the antagonist in your story?