Week 8: Don’t like it? Ditch it!

For me, books are like food. Some are so comforting they fill you up and leave you totally satisfied! (lasagna does this for me) Others are lighter, more of a quick read that are fun but don’t last as long (do you have a favorite snack food?) And then SOME books are like… well… peas. A food that while nourishing for some, just makes me say “ugh”

Have you ever started reading a book and thought, “ugh. I cannot get through this!!”

It may shock you, but that happens to everyone, even big time book lovers. 

There are millions and millions of books in the world, so it’s no surprise that some of them won’t be your ‘cup of tea’ and that is A-OK! 

Reading is supposed to be fun and enjoyable! You should be falling into the characters world and losing yourself in their adventures and experiences. I’ve always loved the books that take me outside of myself and make me forget all the things going on in my own world. I’ve read book series that end in tears for me, because it feels like I won’t see those friends again! 

If you pick up a book and a few chapters in, that isn’t how you feel? Ditch it! There are too many books that will fill you up the right way, and you shouldn’t be letting the not so nourishing books keep you from reading and loving to read!

As always, if you need book suggestions, hop on over to our FB group and ask!


Week 9: Read it Aloud


Week 7: Book Collections